T1.5 | MC Deck Tech n°6 - Oops! All Spells (Legacy) | | 38 | 35764 | Rofellos | 07/08/2014 |
DC | EDH Krenko (aka Goblinball) | | 8 | 28775 | Gris | 06/07/2014 |
DC | Doran, the Siege Tower | | 9 | 18255 | zwouip | 08/02/2014 |
EDH | [EDH] Hermit Druid | | 35 | 30067 | -4L- | 15/05/2013 |
EDH | Scion de l'ur-dragon, l'artère des dragons | | 26 | 40996 | Karrthus | 17/12/2010 |
EDH | Rafiq aux Innombrables - Agro | | 12 | 23867 | Sam79 | 15/12/2010 |
T1.5 | Ad Nauseam Eternam | | 34 | 21655 | flo_by_night | 24/02/2010 |
T1.X | Don't move and shut-up! | | 19 | 12722 | ShadowKnight | 22/12/2009 |
EDH | EDH, 1 tokens, 2tokens, 3tokens, 4tokens,... | | 23 | 28918 | _Baloth_ | 17/05/2009 |
T1.5 | Ad, Ad, Ad... TCHOUM | | 23 | 13210 | pitfall | 14/04/2009 |
Fun | Mortal Kombat! | | 39 | 12330 | Garcymore | 06/04/2009 |
T1.X | Charbelcher 4 lands [Extend] 2008 | | 41 | 11860 | paladinou | 04/12/2008 |
T1.X | Casse Terrains 1.X | | 23 | 17441 | ShadowKnight | 12/11/2008 |
Casu | Remous des rats | | 30 | 13470 | paladinou | 23/10/2008 |
T1.X | black suicide | | 21 | 15601 | yonathan_88 | 07/08/2008 |
T1.X | Retractofreeze corrected for T1.X | | 13 | 9659 | etharion | 23/07/2008 |
T1.5 | Black-Red Aggro | | 12 | 11120 | rorixailelame | 01/08/2007 |
T1.5 | Goblin Belcher (Empty the Charbie's) | | 24 | 16242 | gaWa504 | 24/05/2007 |
T1.5 | LD Trinipox | | 66 | 20085 | chaudakh | 19/12/2006 |
T1.5 | DiscardBlast v2.0 | | 59 | 22827 | dabigmoh | 25/07/2006 |
T1.5 | Un ptit aperçu sur le legacy | | 87 | 17818 | neithean | 10/12/2005 |
T1.5 | CounterBlast UB | | 24 | 14295 | chaudakh | 11/11/2005 |
T1 | Food chain | | 82 | 18983 | Drovsky | 01/11/2005 |
T1.X | Red Deck: | | 26 | 14026 | morchiswe | 12/10/2005 |
T1.5 | Glimpse artefact | | 41 | 16558 | maveric78f | 26/09/2005 |
T2 | ..::Early Of Spring::.. | | 30 | 7445 | jb90 | 12/09/2005 |
T1.5 | Psychatog's Chant [Post extended] | | 27 | 11688 | loufokk | 01/09/2005 |
T1.X | ...::~[My U/G Madness]~::... | | 35 | 14968 | Ethernium | 25/08/2005 |
T2 | Natural born chaos | | 46 | 7936 | Djim | 11/08/2005 |
T1.5 | UB control (de cog) | | 26 | 10696 | cogitator | 01/08/2005 |
T2 | =locké par les soratamis= | | 31 | 8820 | awimbowe | 04/07/2005 |
T2 | ..::Cruelty And The Beast::.. | | 35 | 8077 | jb90 | 01/07/2005 |
T1.5 | Wizards of the coast (de cog) | | 19 | 10081 | cogitator | 23/06/2005 |
T2 | --Colégram-- | | 41 | 7614 | Kadyubo | 20/06/2005 |
T1.X | Dragon storm | | 61 | 23185 | merimin | 15/06/2005 |
T2 | Akki ponza T2 | | 32 | 8206 | sakimmd | 09/06/2005 |
T2 | Mono bleu/Meloku | | 47 | 9499 | dante84 | 18/05/2005 |
T2 | Mono-bleu contrôle | | 52 | 20062 | Savate | 12/05/2005 |
T2 | Bon gros noir | | 59 | 10994 | dante84 | 11/05/2005 |
T2 | The Bouncer | | 50 | 7618 | SniperZwolf | 01/05/2005 |
T2 | Weenie White | | 61 | 8452 | The-Boss | 28/04/2005 |
T1.5 | Par le météore de Pégase !! | | 38 | 10578 | Nufar | 18/04/2005 |
T1.X | Rector Lock | | 19 | 7562 | SniperZwolf | 17/04/2005 |
T2 | Algorithme de l'anagramme générique | | 41 | 13627 | Vitriol | 05/04/2005 |
T2 | Allégeance Aléatoire | | 33 | 5940 | Beralus | 02/04/2005 |
T2 | Hidetsugu killer | | 76 | 8872 | Dream_Master | 02/04/2005 |
T1.5 | Counter burn (de cog) | | 40 | 11459 | cogitator | 01/04/2005 |
T2 | Red aggro genju | | 41 | 5141 | FRB | 30/03/2005 |
T1.5 | Rotefeu gobelin | | 58 | 17458 | Kek | 29/03/2005 |
T2 | PonZa:3-4 au CR TOULOUSE | | 41 | 7274 | aLrOg | 27/03/2005 |
T2 | =centre des éons= | | 24 | 6908 | awimbowe | 24/03/2005 |
T2 | Style Genju | | 42 | 8897 | Beralus | 22/03/2005 |
T2 | Nettoyage Selon Horobi | | 26 | 5114 | Beralus | 20/03/2005 |
T2 | Prison d'Hokori | | 29 | 5619 | letoutpuissant | 13/03/2005 |
T1.X | Bombardement de gobelins | | 49 | 21507 | cedlic | 10/03/2005 |
T2 | Suiton - Zwolf no Deck | | 33 | 7837 | SniperZwolf | 08/03/2005 |
T2 | Combo Goblin Charbelcher en T2 !!! | | 38 | 8031 | Brice_the_king | 27/02/2005 |
T2 | My BR Control | | 33 | 6542 | Vince008 | 23/02/2005 |
T2 | Winnie white | | 93 | 14960 | anony01 | 20/02/2005 |
T2 | Blindage d'Umezawa | | 35 | 8990 | Ch@mpi | 19/02/2005 |
T2 | UGr{w} | C0mB0 !nf!n! — Fireball | | | 48 | 6415 | etharion67 | 18/02/2005 |
T2 | ==>WEENIE-WHITE<== | | 52 | 10265 | jb90 | 15/02/2005 |
T1.5 | Héritier du Battlegrounds (de cog) | | 34 | 8901 | cogitator | 15/02/2005 |
T2 | ---massive attack--- | | 39 | 10707 | jb90 | 14/02/2005 |
T2 | [!] Weenie red [!] | | 126 | 13479 | SphaxMLV | 31/01/2005 |
T1.X | Yosei dance | | 24 | 8843 | merimin | 23/01/2005 |
T2 | Ø La terre reprend ses droits Ø | | 36 | 5828 | Meteorskies | 17/01/2005 |
T2 | W/G controle matinal (de cog) | | 40 | 7394 | cogitator | 28/12/2004 |
T2 | MBC master control | | 19 | 6750 | reve1 | 27/12/2004 |
T2 | Tournament's MBC | | 31 | 7131 | etharion67 | 24/12/2004 |
T2 | Neo WW | | 55 | 13726 | VALALpha666 | 21/12/2004 |
Fun | Necro-Impotence ( de cog) 17/12/04 | | 10 | 8036 | cogitator | 17/12/2004 |
T1.X | Dans la contree.....[1.X] | | 37 | 10139 | irvine | 11/12/2004 |
T2 | Petit scarabée deviendra grand | | 17 | 6299 | MaGGoTs | 11/12/2004 |
T2 | Mono-Rouge Agressif | | 102 | 12531 | alexkiller | 09/12/2004 |
Casu | ain't a draw, it's a lost..for YOU | | 49 | 24148 | Lord_Alendur | 08/12/2004 |
T2 | Blanc/vert Eveil du jardinier | | 37 | 6760 | corpmath | 05/12/2004 |
Casu | Wennie Green | | 26 | 11171 | le_gentil_killer_de_mage | 05/12/2004 |
T2 | Tooth and land | | 30 | 8124 | reve1 | 04/12/2004 |
CHK | Quand bringer et sunburst font bon menage... | | 43 | 9422 | TenBears | 01/12/2004 |
T2 | Les terrains se brisent comme du verre | | 14 | 4894 | smehagoll | 28/11/2004 |
T1.X | ..::Ailelame.decV2::.. | | 14 | 6414 | std | 27/11/2004 |
Casu | 2,1,0:T'es mort! | | 18 | 16747 | anthokiedis | 27/11/2004 |
T1.5 | Pskwichatog (de cog) | | 15 | 6523 | cogitator | 23/11/2004 |
T2 | Red deck win | | 18 | 7087 | kaos7chi | 19/11/2004 |
T1.X | Des gobelins dans le miroir | | 18 | 9000 | anthokiedis | 14/11/2004 |
T2 | SLIGH | | 184 | 17575 | alexkiller | 09/11/2004 |
T1.5 | New Jank (de cog) | | 27 | 7250 | cogitator | 08/11/2004 |
T2 | Necro ponza | | 51 | 9399 | Djim | 07/11/2004 |
T2 | Kaldra | | 31 | 11814 | Lord_Radwish | 01/11/2004 |
T2 | La moisissure te rattrapera | | 18 | 5365 | balothvorace | 01/11/2004 |
T2 | Neo Ponza T2 | | 37 | 5886 | Poilala_1er | 01/11/2004 |
T2 | Désesprit | | 34 | 6063 | cogitator | 31/10/2004 |
T1.5 | Illusionary mask | | 12 | 11782 | knight_seb | 28/10/2004 |
T1.X | BW Control [T1.X] White Suicide | | 18 | 7283 | quaker | 28/10/2004 |
T2 | Blast and counterspell | | 10 | 7762 | moongob | 28/10/2004 |
T2 | Weeny Gawa | | 44 | 8148 | morchiswe | 22/10/2004 |
T2 | Under world dream | | 14 | 6574 | portikuss | 18/10/2004 |
T1.X | U Scepter Chant splash W | | 47 | 9433 | etharion67 | 17/10/2004 |
T2 | Marche des Machines | | 29 | 3535 | LeDemonGrimacant | 13/10/2004 |
T2 | Nouvo Mono black controle défausse | | 26 | 12085 | Tiurlyn | 08/10/2004 |
T2 | Blue new type | | 20 | 3748 | bubblebob | 07/10/2004 |
T2 | Rat deck champion | | 50 | 17115 | macros | 06/10/2004 |
T2 | Le Tueur s'appelait Kiki (Deck combo) | | 149 | 10461 | magicovore | 04/10/2004 |
T2 | The Return of The Rat | | 53 | 19840 | Warshadow | 03/10/2004 |
T2 | Purg&torio(T0m£_2_) | | 14 | 3401 | ShyGuy | 01/10/2004 |
T2 | Le moissonneur filandrique | | 12 | 4614 | Zev | 28/09/2004 |
T2 | LE MBC | | 26 | 4805 | buzzy | 28/09/2004 |
T2 | White Slaver | | 11 | 3779 | Shadax | 25/09/2004 |
T2 | Inf£rn0(_TOme_1_) | | 36 | 3786 | ShyGuy | 22/09/2004 |
MR | Deck Haste bloc mirrodin | | 44 | 8017 | draconsilver | 05/09/2004 |
T1 | La parole de Dieu | | 82 | 17373 | Dante_rqm | 04/09/2004 |
MR | Le rotefeu qui aime la vie des myrs>kill tour3< | | 56 | 6991 | Zev | 01/09/2004 |
MR | Sligt bloc mirrodin | | 24 | 4943 | draconsilver | 31/08/2004 |
MR | ~|Cards Avantage|~ | | 21 | 6816 | Skelleton | 25/08/2004 |
MR | Mirrodin c'est que d'la ferraille! | | 19 | 3593 | magicovore | 21/08/2004 |
T2 | Bienvenue à Brinbois (Chroniques de Travis 3) | | 17 | 8433 | thalad | 21/08/2004 |
T2 | The Rock T2 (de cog) | | 15 | 4897 | cogitator | 18/08/2004 |
T2 | A mon seul désir je gagne... | | 15 | 6169 | shadowblue | 18/08/2004 |
Casu | Lhurgoyf le plus apte | | 16 | 7795 | lamenagere | 17/08/2004 |
T2 | Affinité/décret de justice | | 15 | 5857 | seiferben | 17/08/2004 |
T2 | Esclavagisateur de deck | | 20 | 4359 | guerms | 16/08/2004 |
Fun | Tu m'auras pas...tout de suite (débutant) | | 26 | 9597 | dragonfighter | 15/08/2004 |
T2 | Deck A Mon Seul Désir Type 2 | | 28 | 5984 | Championdelaquatus | 14/08/2004 |
T2 | -- A tes désir ! (affinity/combo) -- | | 32 | 13768 | Blitzgobs | 13/08/2004 |
MR | Blast attack | | 19 | 5822 | kaos7chi | 12/08/2004 |
MR | Bienvenue à Viridian (chronique de Travis chap 2) | | 25 | 5354 | thalad | 11/08/2004 |
T2 | THE MBC (Mono Black Control) | | 59 | 7217 | modano121 | 02/08/2004 |
MR | J'ai du bon blé dans ma tabatière | | 12 | 3846 | Zev | 30/07/2004 |
Fun | Secte du corbeau ... | | 6 | 6423 | urzi | 30/07/2004 |
Casu | You will not play (améliorations souhaitées) | | 15 | 6181 | bertaro | 25/07/2004 |
MR | Je me blinde le crâne pour te détruire | | 29 | 5470 | Tiurlyn | 21/07/2004 |
T2 | Tooth and Nail ameliore | | 39 | 10186 | aenilnpriorel57 | 21/07/2004 |
T2 | Ww équipement post fd | | 32 | 7926 | nosfe | 21/07/2004 |
T1.X | Good fortune | | 50 | 6975 | marc74 | 18/07/2004 |
T2 | Happy Harvester | | 21 | 3077 | latrell-jaxma | 17/07/2004 |
Fun | Prends la porte, s'il te plait. | | 31 | 7810 | Lord_Alendur | 15/07/2004 |
T2 | Mono green forest | | 34 | 6250 | ShyGuy | 13/07/2004 |
MR | Ca va vite, trop vite | | 38 | 7010 | Meteorskies | 12/07/2004 |
T2 | UR : Gob'lin Malin | | 24 | 5015 | Aphrael | 12/07/2004 |
MR | {Suicide Deck} Speed K.C.I. | | 35 | 4395 | SebsokK | 11/07/2004 |
MR | Je casse, tu perds | | 28 | 4009 | smehagoll | 10/07/2004 |
T2 | Tes créatures sont les miennes | | 26 | 7299 | Tiurlyn | 08/07/2004 |
MR | -—-{{Affinit'][nvoc}}-—- | | 50 | 10483 | Mimura | 08/07/2004 |
MR | Mono black nuage | | 36 | 4385 | patate | 07/07/2004 |
T2 | Rétroaction | | 52 | 6632 | satone | 06/07/2004 |
T2 | Création de jetons en masse | | 34 | 13502 | Zev | 05/07/2004 |
T2 | BG : Rats-Bidding | | 57 | 9237 | Aphrael | 04/07/2004 |
T2 | Quand les rats...tiboisent... | | 17 | 6323 | themagoamoth | 04/07/2004 |
T2 | Zombie bidding slash bleu | | 53 | 10203 | modano121 | 03/07/2004 |
T2 | Retractofreeze | | 73 | 6488 | etharion67 | 01/07/2004 |
T2 | |-Control T2-| | | 22 | 3863 | cobas | 01/07/2004 |
T2 | Affinité ? laisse moi rire ... | | 56 | 19363 | shadowblue | 01/07/2004 |
T2 | ) Viens manger ta patée ( | | 60 | 13055 | MyssZah | 26/06/2004 |
MR | Agro!!!!!!!!!!!! | | 39 | 6761 | nosfe | 24/06/2004 |
T2 | Zélatons! Cimetièrons! | | 40 | 3220 | swin | 23/06/2004 |
MR | Archimage au commande!!!!!! | | 29 | 5760 | nosfe | 23/06/2004 |
Casu | Le rite phantomatique | | 33 | 7608 | urzi | 23/06/2004 |
MR | Poste à combo | | 37 | 5088 | coyote79 | 21/06/2004 |
T2 | Black suicid et Lock | | 28 | 4501 | magicovore | 21/06/2004 |
T2 | Fifth dawn prend des couleurs | | 71 | 6119 | guerms | 20/06/2004 |
T2 | -|Combo T2|- | | 25 | 7057 | cobas | 19/06/2004 |
MR | (<(Sombre grognement...)>) | | 51 | 13970 | luke35 | 18/06/2004 |
MR | -Slight- T2 | | 37 | 8880 | cobas | 17/06/2004 |
T2 | L.I.F.E | | 34 | 5598 | sylverbarbe | 13/06/2004 |
MR | En joue ! Feu !!! | | 32 | 4571 | thalad | 13/06/2004 |
MR | Mono red controle/agro | | 25 | 4035 | tijoman | 13/06/2004 |
Casu | Gladiateur du bien et du mal | | 19 | 5815 | Tiurlyn | 09/06/2004 |
T2 | Si le centre veut bien... | | 51 | 4376 | MyMind | 09/06/2004 |
T1.X | New rotefeu -format étendus actuelle- | | 31 | 3788 | quanta62224 | 08/06/2004 |
MR | Kaldra légende de mirrodin | | 77 | 13779 | adrelinar | 08/06/2004 |
MR | Chevaucher le boulet | | 177 | 9943 | Tsan | 07/06/2004 |
MR | Mass marqueur chargé à bloc | | 33 | 8820 | coyote79 | 06/06/2004 |
T1.X | Chronique : chant contre-ut!! | | 152 | 11303 | thalad | 03/06/2004 |
T2 | La ferme Jeska t'es pas une célébrité | | 62 | 5827 | shadowblue | 03/06/2004 |
T2 | Red Deck Wins ( meme en type 2 ) | | 117 | 8275 | Mephidross | 02/06/2004 |
T2 | Convention de genève | | 38 | 4164 | yoda | 30/05/2004 |
Casu | Dégat infini | | 31 | 12693 | akematsu | 24/05/2004 |
T2 | Puissance imblocable | | 26 | 8637 | Xarys | 16/05/2004 |
T2 | Turbo Green | | 28 | 7033 | kesta | 16/05/2004 |
T2 | ====/RDW/==== | | 37 | 5000 | Thegnome | 14/05/2004 |
T2 | Cassons, cassons... | | 28 | 3650 | themagoamoth | 09/05/2004 |
T2 | La Bonne Bourre | | 29 | 4222 | smehagoll | 09/05/2004 |
T2 | Soldat and chevalier [ équipement] | | 46 | 13639 | feuerwaffe | 08/05/2004 |
T2 | Rotefeu 10 land | | 38 | 3789 | psychokill777 | 08/05/2004 |
T2 | The Rock T2 version2 (basé anti-metagae) | | 24 | 3906 | kesta | 06/05/2004 |
T2 | Mox surpeuplé | | 35 | 3056 | swin | 30/04/2004 |
T1 | [-~|Leech Life|~-] | | 50 | 8853 | Mimura | 27/04/2004 |
MR | Le retour du vert | | 37 | 4601 | dragon3 | 26/04/2004 |
T2 | ((Arteblue)) | | 46 | 13374 | luke35 | 20/04/2004 |
MR | Un colosse habitant dans la forge... | | 34 | 4550 | swin | 17/04/2004 |
Fun | Entravarc, modular, affinité | | 38 | 7331 | tomtom13 | 14/04/2004 |
Fun | Le chat dans la machine | | 30 | 8870 | THEKILLER | 11/04/2004 |
MR | Memnarch... | | 51 | 6151 | swin | 07/04/2004 |
T1.X | Red deck wins post sombracier | | 27 | 6382 | Gimliledieu | 05/04/2004 |
T2 | **--Souffle de glace--** | | 43 | 10231 | luke35 | 04/04/2004 |
T2 | .,;:=[La pince décisive]=:;,. | | 135 | 13891 | Mimura | 01/04/2004 |
T2 | On se fâche, mais en douceur. | | 22 | 4909 | luke35 | 27/03/2004 |
T1.X | Destroy land étendu extra rapide | | 47 | 8330 | tioneb1990 | 22/03/2004 |
T2 | Rogue B/R | | 27 | 3857 | Gimliledieu | 11/03/2004 |
T2 | Dragattack ! | | 66 | 11387 | luke35 | 10/03/2004 |
MR | Emissaire...de mycosynthèse !!! | | 20 | 3857 | themagoamoth | 10/03/2004 |
T2 | Black Sucide Type2 post mirrodin | | 22 | 6770 | Vega | 09/03/2004 |
T2 | Archimage, la nouvelle enchanteresse | | 52 | 6031 | vince000fr | 07/03/2004 |
T2 | Affinity road to CR | | 41 | 5426 | KHEOPS34 | 07/03/2004 |
T2 | Break land | | 23 | 5797 | boulix | 07/03/2004 |
T2 | Marc's lock control | | 26 | 4698 | marc74 | 06/03/2004 |
T2 | Decret dragon | | 29 | 5671 | hawkskater | 05/03/2004 |
T1.X | Miroir oh miroir | | 30 | 6330 | bastoshe | 05/03/2004 |
MR | The Lord-Affinity | | 34 | 3859 | Jonny66 | 05/03/2004 |
T2 | (¤¤ R-B control ¤¤)v.1.1 | | 38 | 9882 | yoda | 04/03/2004 |
T1.X | Jeu Fécondité avec Franc tireur gobelin | | 16 | 4732 | exar_kun | 03/03/2004 |
T2 | Burning bridge | | 42 | 4563 | blackmyst | 02/03/2004 |
T2 | Black control céphalagie | | 24 | 8856 | themagoamoth | 01/03/2004 |
T1.X | Controle du temps avec miroir panoptique | | 21 | 5619 | Championdelaquatus | 01/03/2004 |
T2 | Les paillis n'ont qu'a bien se tenir | | 24 | 3277 | blackmyst | 28/02/2004 |
T2 | Bestioles vertes destructrices | | 60 | 8835 | hawkskater | 27/02/2004 |
T2 | MonRedDeckWins | | 20 | 4667 | rezari | 27/02/2004 |
T2 | Agrisochrome | | 24 | 5241 | roxis | 26/02/2004 |
T2 | Paf! Boom! Clang! Splash! Crac! T'es mort? (Deck | | 28 | 3946 | magicovore | 21/02/2004 |
T2 | Rogue deck PL en route pour les CR!! | | 37 | 3806 | morchiswe | 15/02/2004 |
T2 | Burn, burn, burn... | | 28 | 5178 | Dreamsoul | 14/02/2004 |
T2 | Et ça marche | | 43 | 3478 | KHEOPS34 | 12/02/2004 |
T2 | ^FreeZinG StorM^ v1.2 | | 67 | 6179 | Gandalf20000000 | 12/02/2004 |
T2 | R-B controle | | 23 | 3747 | wizardmaster | 12/02/2004 |
T2 | Modularité je crois en toi! | | 52 | 6419 | magicovore | 10/02/2004 |
T2 | Black suicide | | 43 | 7590 | wizardmaster | 08/02/2004 |
MR | RG Beatdown | | 36 | 3772 | MonsieurMagic | 08/02/2004 |
MR | Darksteel en force | | 27 | 4687 | Dreamsoul | 07/02/2004 |
T1.X | Construction Métallurgiste | | 114 | 8237 | Nirvana | 06/02/2004 |
T2 | Mon royaume pour une épée!!! | | 67 | 8089 | nicobarteam | 04/02/2004 |
MR | Burning T2 post sombracier | | 33 | 4825 | blackmyst | 04/02/2004 |
T2 | Black or red ? | | 35 | 4713 | Toflegobelin | 03/02/2004 |
T1.X | Bleu/Blanc splash Rouge sceptre | | 50 | 4436 | Championdelaquatus | 02/02/2004 |
T2 | SLIGHT T2 | | 51 | 4162 | blackmyst | 28/01/2004 |
MR | Tamisons, tamisons... | | 28 | 4378 | SilverWings | 27/01/2004 |
T1.X | W/B Controle | | 32 | 7439 | fils_de_seth | 27/01/2004 |
T1.X | Harpie ou es-tu | | 26 | 6086 | magedetitania | 25/01/2004 |
MR | Vermiculos affinity | | 22 | 4037 | Aldar57 | 25/01/2004 |
T2 | Contrôler et finir au blast | | 25 | 3396 | etharion67 | 23/01/2004 |
T1.X | Alluren combo | | 24 | 7815 | dju | 20/01/2004 |
MR | Sligh version mirrodin block!!! /! ca brule!!!! | | 71 | 5499 | morchiswe | 17/01/2004 |
T2 | Blast dans ta tête typeII | | 61 | 5792 | blackmyst | 16/01/2004 |
T2 | The burning red | | 42 | 6564 | Djim | 16/01/2004 |
T1.X | Mon U/G contrôle | | 15 | 4660 | neoatomium | 14/01/2004 |
T1.X | Turbo sceptre | | 17 | 4489 | rotfeu | 14/01/2004 |
T1 | Bleu artéfact 2 | | 41 | 16739 | dalmio | 14/01/2004 |
T2 | Charbelcher Green | | 38 | 6347 | Kaidoran | 11/01/2004 |
Casu | Vive les conduits | | 20 | 4410 | batecht | 10/01/2004 |
T2 | Oh ma belle orbe | | 24 | 4313 | Ceredon | 08/01/2004 |