[DCI] Banned & Restricted List Announcement 01-03-2003

Posté le Jeudi 06 Mars 2003 à 22:45 par yundsi (2670 lectures)

Voila la DCI nous apporte en ce mois de mars une nouvelle liste de restriction.
Type 2

-Pas de changement


-Pas de changement

Bloc carnage

-Pas de changement

Type 1

-Berserk est dérestreint
-Hurkyll's Recall (Rappel Selon Hurkyl) est dérestreint.
-Recall (Rappel) est dérestreint

-Earthcraft (Habileté Chtonienne) est restreint
-Entomb (ensevelissement) est restreint

Type 1.5
(Toutes les cartes du Type 1 Banni est Restreinte sont banni en Type 1.5)

-Berserk est débanni
-Hurkyll's Recall (Rappel Selon Hurkyl) est débanni
-Recall (Rappel) est débanni

-Earthcraft (Habileté Chtonienne) est banni
-Entomb (ensevelissement) est restreint

Les explications de ces changements:

The fact that people are generally not playing a single copy of this restricted card, combined with the fact that there are better ways to get cards out of your graveyard, indicate that Recall should no longer be restricted.

Hurkyl's Recall
Hurkyl's Recall no longer generates the ridiculous amounts of mana that it used to before the restriction of Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, and Grim Monolith. Without all of these artifacts that can easily produce more mana than they cost, we feel that Hurkyl's Recall no longer needs to be restricted. Further, we see Hurkyl's Recall as a nice potential sideboard card against many of the artifact-heavy decks.

Berserk has been on the restricted list for a long, long time. We feel that the thousands of extra cards and decks that have been added to Type 1 have rendered this card less of a threat than it used to be. In addition, we think that unrestricting this card will open up many new deck archetypes to type 1.

Every good "tutor" card is restricted in type 1. Entomb is one of the best tutors left in Type 1, and it now joins Demonic Tutor, Demonic Consultation, Enlightened Tutor, etc. on the restricted list.

Earthcraft joins the many other combo cards that are restricted in Type 1.

Voila la seul surprise c'est bersek, une bonne nouvelle?
Sinon les restrictions sont sans réel surprise.

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